Tuesday, January 25, 2005

how to annoy me in class: some tips

1. In response to a question in class, give some straight-up jive answer that demonstrates your remarkable amount of knowledge in a completely unrelated area.

2. In reponse to someone else's reponse (which was only correct under a certain set of assumptions), get all indignant like it was totally inappropriate for the first person to give his reponse. Example:

Person A: Well, you could do X.

Person B - aka Guy That Wants To Annoy Me (squint eyes, tilt head, as if trying to appear that he doesn't know the answer to his own questions): Uh...Didn't we say that, that you could only do X if you could assume Y? Because, I mean, I didn't know we were assuming Y, Are we going to assume Y?

My only satisfaction is that Person A in that situation was guilty of Action 1 anyway. Ok, now don't everyone go beating down the doors of your nearest C.S. Admissions Office trying to fill out applications all at the same time. Just be patient and one day you too can enjoy the instant celebrity and edge-of-your-seat excitement of graduate studies in computering. Computering at the graduate level is tough, sure, but luckily it's also filled with people who lack social skills. Er, wait...no, that's right. Well, maybe they just socialize better in chat rooms.


Oneway the Herald said...

what about all the hot chicks?

AJ said...

Is "computering" like "interneting?" And what are you saying about social skills? You mean chat rooms don't prepare us for real life?

On another note, seems like you've had some of the same people in class with you that I have.

Anonymous said...

T.J., you're annoying. We endure you =p. ^_^ <3!

Saaaaaaaaaaarah Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee