Monday, February 07, 2005

Chinese Spaghetti Factory

I came back from Boston yesterday after a day of interviewing for a job and a day of touring the city. Perhaps I will post more about this trip soon, but there is one image from this trip that is burned into memory. While taking the shuttle to the airport on my way out of town, a large van passed us on the right. On the side of this van, written in huge letters, were the words 'Chinese Spaghetti Factory'. I had a lot of time on my hands during my travels on Sunday morning, so I pondered and pondered the purpose of this logo. I know what a Spaghetti Factory is. I know what China is. I know not what Chinese Spaghetti Factory is. Best guesses get a HIFIDELITY THUMBS UP. Make me proud, AOLers.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Having lived in Boston for a year, I can conclusively state that you did not actually see this large van, as nothing such as this exists in Boston.


Anonymous said...

Now TJ, obviously this was a dream because we both know very well that the closest I’d ever come to eating that spicy business is by watching you eat it from the other side of the table as you sweat profusely.


pepperdeaf said...

Check out:

Perhaps Johnney Sou will have the answer that you are seeking.

Anonymous said...

Why that's not even a real address in Boston! And the '445' phone number prefix in Boston is like '555' every where else....

Teefey, are you a lawyer yet, and/or are you working for your hero Jesse Jackson Jr. yet?

~T-Rae/T-Bone/Teresa :)

Anonymous said...

Crap, TJ, I just realized that you were seeking answers from AOLers. Unfortunately I do not have "a better internet," nor do I have anything that is supercharged so I shouldn't have been answering. I still use the crappy, regular, inferior non-AOL internet that Al Gore invented.


Anonymous said...

Did someone say General's? I salivate at the thought of my long-anticipated return to *the* Empire. The General's in Kansas City is a far cry from that Green Street masterpiece. Sometimes I have dreams where placed before me is large order of extra-spicy generals while I partake in a healthy game of "would you rather." Unfortunately, these dreams are often followed by terrible nightmares (of the intestinal sort). I long for the day when my styrofoam plate will once again buckle under the weight of such greatness.

Oneway the Herald said...

Mandarin Wok is and always will be better than Empire.

db said...

Yes, the best pork dumplings ever- I have been buying them for 20 years and on a recent trip home I picked up a few dozen and cooked them up here in nashville where I just finished the leftovers cold for breakfast. They are wonderful.