Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Giddy up

I drink Americanos, for better or worse. 2 shots espresso + 12 oz. hot water + half and half + 2 packets of unprocessed sugar = awesome. Tonight though, observe:

Daily special of large cappuccino for medium price. Let's do it.
On top of that, the coffee girl "accidentally" made an extra shot. Do I want it? Uhh, let me think. Oh wait - yesplease**.

I will now continue computering late into the night. Giddy up.

** - lack of space indicates the speed with which I say the words. A British accent is also appropriate.

My question for you: are all coffee shops, their beverages, and their patrons pretentious? Please, dear reader, pray tell me no.


Oneway the Herald said...

Coffee is a drug that would make my work day much easier. I continue to resist, wondering if the struggle is worth less than the addiction.

It's simpler for you, the_dude. Coffee's required drinking for rocket scientists.

Oneway the Herald said...

Along with black t-shirts.

The General said...

Those were the funniest 2 comments in succession in blogging history.

If I weren't at work I would be LOLing, as it is, I have to stifle my belly laugh.