Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mega-Update from the_dude

I'm writing to tell you that I've decided to devote 100% of my social internetting time to MySpace. I am totally in the top 8 of, like, all my friends now, and I just went to four digits with my number of friends. Plus, AFI just added me as a friend, and they are the sickest band in the universe. Consequently, this will be my last post.


I totally had you going, though. Not much has happened since my last post, but I will still soldier on with stately prose to entertain the masses. Here is the non-exhaustive list of those things which have happened:

I missed another LebowskiFest, which I like to keep tabs on, seeing as the film is the inspiration for my online moniker.

Some more folks from the Midwest came out to visit me. Much fun was had by all. Running the numbers, it was 8 days, 6 episodes of the Ricky Gervais podcast, four guys, three bad sunburns, two stolen laptops, two stolen iPods, and 1 busted in window on a Civic. Not bad. If anyone's keeping track, that's three laptops that California has stolen from me and mine. I believe this is part of the reason why Dell and Apple had such great quarters.

I had my first California birthday. I am one California year old. I celebrated by having a laid back attitude, eschewing responsibility, and counting on my parents who, because they are involved in real estate in some way or another, can easily afford to pay for tons of stuff I don't work for or deserve. Oh wait, that's the job of just about EVERY SINGLE native Californian. I forgot.

It got crazy hot out here. It's currently 106. Hot in Illinois means sauna hot, where you have to wade through the air. Hot in California means kiln hot, where the concrete seems to radiate an amount of heat equal to or greater than the heat from the sun above you. It's a previously (at least to me) unconceived of type of heat.

Despite the numerous posts I've authored on this blog which would serve to remind me that being done with school is an entirely good thing, I'm taking a course this fall to test the waters on going back to school part-time. You may use the comments section to remind me of how much I like sleep and so this decision would therefore not be in my best interest. I will probably disregard this sage advice.

I'm having my mind blown on a regular basis by this guy. If there was a Master's Degree offered in Truth, Year One would be listening to this guy speak every day of your life. Year Two would be learning to say what you heard.

This show ran my life for about two weeks. I believe it's underlying raison d'etre is, "How can we, as a show, induce as many heart attacks as possible amongst the populace?" Despite its unnecessary and tired sexual innuendo, it is clearly one of the best shows on television right now. Unfortunately, many folks who would otherwise dig the show will never see one scene because it happens to run on the mega-nerd channel, otherwise known as the Sci-fi channel. Too bad, so sad. New episodes start in October. Consult a doctor before watching.

Consider yourself updated on the_dude. Now go check your Myspace like you've been dying to for the last eight minutes.

1 comment:

Oneway the Herald said...

What class might you be taking? Wine-tasting?