Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Three views. Two destroy. One gives life.

Aesop Rock in "Daylight" from the album "Labor Days":

"All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day, put the pieces back together my way"

Oneway in his notebook while struggling with doubt:

"Teeter-totter on the brink forever,
Never fall, but never settle,
Thorns adorned with vibrant petals,
I've been told there's nothing better,
But, really is there anything worse?
Than the nebulous expanse of freedom,
It's a curse."

muzeONE from Redeemed Thought in "The Anthem (Build Up)" from "TruthBeautyGoodness":

"Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone,
He re-rolled the stone,
So we could see home,
like when Stephen was stoned"

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