Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Most of you are familiar with the term DIY (Do It Yourself). I like to think of myself as an extreme-DIY; I don't just replace a light switch plates, I cut out a chunk of drywall, re-run the wiring, install a new light fixture, and replace the drywall. Sometimes, however, I start projects that I have no idea how I'm going to finish until I actually get started. I read instructions, I get help off the internet, but otherwise I have no prior experience in whatever-it-is-that-I'm-doing.

When a person attempts a project that they have no idea how to do beforehand, they more or less make it up as they go, and the primary reason why they didn't call a professional is that they are too cheap to pay for it, I call these projects DIYDS.

Do It Your-Damn-Self

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